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The SJC was formed in March 2012 and meets every Thursday afternoon from

1.30 - 3.30pm in the Lifestyle Centre, Stonehouse.

The Club offers a social afternoon in a supportive setting. Each week we provide a variety of activities and fun, from reminiscence quizzes to musical entertainment. Research has shown that a part of the brain can store words and music in the long-term memory. Also, music, in particular singalongs, creates a "feel good" factor and is the main focus of the group due to the link between music and memory.

People love to talk about the past and our reminiscence quizzes are designed for fun. Carers get the chance to chat with each other, supporting and advising, while our team of enthusiastic volunteers make sure that no-one is sitting alone.


The Stonehouse Jubilee are proud to be the 2018 winners of Scotland's Dementia Awards for Best Dementia Friendly Community Initiative


Music..laughter..friendship .and a "listening" ear are the hallmarks of our club, which is unique in this part of South Lanarkshire.

Dementia is a cruel condition, slowly taking away the essence and personality of a loved one. It's especially hard on a carer who, themselves, may be suffering from health problems.  Over the ten years the Jubilee Club has existed, we have given emotional support to many carers struggling with the challenges of caring for a loved one with dementia.

Members having a catch up prior to the afternoon's entertainment.


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